The Johnson Kids! I know these are black and white and you can't see the color of their eyes but all three have the most incredible blue eyes that they got from their mother. Watch for more to come.
Erica Rose Degrado! Erica has been in my life since she was 14 years old. I can't believe she's married. I love this girl! She will always be a part of my life. And now she'll add little Ericas to my family. I can't wait.
Meet the Johnson Family! Jeremy Johnson is our builder and this is his family. First is Christian, 16 years old, Jayden, 10 years old and Gabriel, 4 years old. What an incredible family. Jeremy married his high school sweeheart Julie. This was their first pro shoot and we had so much fun! Keep your eyes on them because I'll be shooting a lot this next year. They're all too cute!
Seasons change and the new season for me is being a "MIMI" which is the best place to be. But with that new season photography takes a back seat. So for a while I'll concentrate of them and making memories with them. But I will always love photography and it will always be a part of me.